Jawline & Chin Contouring

Dermal fillers are the perfect, non-invasive way to contour your Jawline and reshape Chin and give your face structure and more youthful look. 

Dermal fillers containing Hyaluronic Acid are carefully injected into your skin to plump up your jowls (sagging skin under the jaw) and fill wrinkles. The result is a naturally younger-looking face and a sharper jawline.

A strong chin is often seen as a sign of success – catwalk models, actors, sportsmen and even superheroes have strong chins. If you feel that you have a weak chin, there is a simple way to check. Take a picture of your profile and then draw a line from the inner part of your eyebrow, down past your nostril to your chin. If you have a straight line, your face is in proportion; however, if the line veers back towards your neck, you may benefit from chin augmentation using dermal fillers injected at sites along the chin.


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